The products works pretty well something like 6 months until the the germ kill kit needs to b upgraded.
The germ kill kit contains the products
1.the upper cabin carbon
2.the bottom cabin carbon filter
- Indicator(the worst one)
The indicator gets out of service every six months. Aftrr it reaches the red mark you would not be able filter water any more. The pure it purposely made it in a way that it will stop the water from filtering so we buy the germ kill kit which is about Rs700.
The upper and lower cabing carbon also needs to replace or will accumulate dirt on its surface.
Now after evry six months we need to buy those purit stuffs.
It needs heavy servicing the plastic tank needs to be cleaned frequently or layers of dirt get accumulated and results in poor filtering and produces foul smell.
Cleaning is not easy either. Thers a huge mess while diassembly the filter
Buying this economic priced product is worth nothing.Instead ectric purifiers works best