It gives me immense pleasure to write this review on Pureit waters purifiers from Hindustan Unilever.
The company no doubt is a world class MNC and the entire team, Resha Parker, Satish and their Chanel Partner, M/s. Taj Services, Mumbai are thorough professionals with customer orientation and customer satisfaction as their primary aim. This culture ensures that they are able to retain their current patrons in addition to the new patrons being added continously.
I really wish to thank with utmost sincerity the two personell from M/s. Taj Services, Mr. Ramzan Ali, Sales and Mr. Anil Yadav for the outstanding service they have given me during installation, though they were over for the day, they waited patiently and completed the installation of the water purifier to my utmost satisfaction. Both of them were well mannered and displayed a lot of patience. I wish them yhe very best for all their endeavours.
I strongly suggest each and every individual in the country to get Pureit installed, needless to say that you will be dealing with the best organisation and the most professional, customer oriented personell.