It has been more than 15 days since I got this product and not even once I have been able to use it. The reason being the installation that has not been done. I had purchased this product after putting a request on pureits website, for a demo. The person who came (Satyavaan) for a demo tested the water and suggested Marvella UV.
I showed the salesman, the area where we need the purifier to be installed. He checked the place and suggested installation can be done. I pointed out to him that the installation guy will have to bring a special driller to drill a hole through our kitchens granite platform. I confirmed to him that I would purchase the purifier only if this kind of installation was possible. The salesman confirmed that it was possible to do such an installation and that it will be done free of cost.
The salesman was asking for cash payment which I denied and gave him a cheque. The product was promised to be delivered on the next day however, it was sent only after 2 days. Till day 3 there was no sign of the installation guy. On day 4 the installation guy came to my place and fitted the purifier on the wall but the drilling machine that he had got wasnt good enough for drilling a hole in the granite platform. He said he will come back later and finish the job but since then, he never showed up.
I called up the salesman and told him to do the installation no matter what it takes in 2 days. The salesman promised to get his own plumber and get the job done.
However it has been more than 15 days and the job is yet pending.
I have lodged a complaint with Pureits Customer Service at least 5 times in last 2 weeks but nobody has yet shown up for the installation.
I have the call recordings for all communications on my Android Phone & also have the Kitchens CCTV footage with audio, where the Salesman promised that the installation is possible.
This has been the worst appliance buying experience of my life.
All set to go to the consumer court if need be.