I am Sivaprakash from Chennai. From Pureit website, after reading the advantages of Pureit Marvella RO over its competitor product, I bought Pureit Marvell RO on 21/6/2012 and my registration number is No. 1931294976. This is the best ever-poor service from Pureit. On jan 31 2013 I made a complaint that "to get pure water the proportion of waste water getting discharged is more ". After continuous follow up, the service person came and changed some component in the machine. My father asked what you are changing, the service person Mr.suresh 9841883516 informed my father that it was chocked and I changed the Membrane.
Now just after two week on Saturday 16/02/2013 the ROM indicator is blinking. Soon after noticing, I complained to the Pureit customer care complaint number-C134760328. On Monday I being shocked that without attending my complaint the call is being closed. Immediately I informed to the Customer care but no use, the executive said the call is closed by the service executive and we are not responsible.
So then I called the service person Mr Suresh, he told that the ROM kit is not available and he will change it on Wednesday 20/02/2013. I asked him why you closed the call without attending the issue, he do not have answer.
Though I read all the advantages of Pureit device, I missed to explore about the service network. And now I don’t know to whom to complaint my problem as because no use of complaining to customer care as the service person is not bothered to close the call without attending. Also the service person is not bothered of pureit brand as he is from Francise company not belong to the Pureit company.
Also I have a question that, It was said to me that The Rom to be change after 8000 litres of water purification but I don’t think that I have used that much as I bought on 21/6/2012.