I will describe my experience with PURE IT. Well Before The Use Of Pure it, I was drinking boiled water, In our area water was very bad, it could not be consumed without boiling it first.Whenever I boiled the water, I found the dissolved mineral(white Powder) on the surface of water which make water heavy, so I simply used the cloth of cotton to make it pure.
But last week I purchased PURE IT and after using it 1 week I am writing this true.
The very first day I just get one jug of water from Pure-it . I still put it on gas for boiling. But i was shocked by the result, the dissolved mineral (white powder) was still present on the surface of the water. In the advertisements, they say Pure IT gives the same result as boiling the water over gas.Pureit only kills the germs but does nothing to the boiled water.
I am confused about it, because the white powder is still present but the taste of the water has changed.
Pure it uses cheap plastic cabinet, It Is very cheap, means it may breakdown any minute. LOL
Sorry For Bad English Hope It Will Help You