Iam running one of most prestigeous training institute. I bought the so called great productPURE IT thinking that I can save the expenses on mineral water and on the other hand consuming the direct water may effect the staff and students health. The product worked fine for couple of months but there was a slight formation of GREEN MASS layering down in the bottom container. I ignored this in the begiining but later I found this is always forming for each time whenever a weekly wash was there. Later I came to conclusion after sending the water to TEST LAB that this GREEN MASS is the BACTERIAL MICROBES which is hamful and impure form of water which is causing gastric troubles when consumed. When I complained this to the customer care to solve the problem the respond was least bothered where I haven t come accross with such type of WORST SERVICE. Inspite of my making calls twice a day there s no commitment to the words they promise for. I fell disgusted callin everytime reminding the problem and wasting telephone expenses Finally Iam thinking to file a case in CONSUMER COURT. So, please my dear buyers dont ever buy this product and fall into troubles and also recommend ur friends, relatives and others not to go for this product and experience the same.