I have bought pure it in pondicherry. the dealer here is taking 5 - 6 days to replace the kit. that to we have to remind 2 - 3 times every time. in between we have to boil the water and beg them to change the pure it battery kit. this is also not easy to chang ourself .the central customer care is useless and taking no action at all. now I am going to change to some other company.very very very poor after sales service.
I have bought pure it in pondicherry. the dealer here is taking 5 - 6 days to replace the kit. that to we have to remind 2 - 3 times every time. In between we have to boil the water and beg them to change the pure it battery kit. this is also not easy to change ourself .the central customer care is useless and taking no action at all. now I am going to change to some other company.very very very poor after sales service arul murugan