After going through all the review comments; Ive purchased it through my nearest distributor i.e. "Suyog Enterprises", Kolkata-48. Look is good and test of water is so so. Lets see how is the service. For this youve to wait for my next feedback. Ive asked the person about their battery change service. He told me that even I can collect the battery from their store by mentioning my Customer id and in that case you can avoid the extra charge of that person who will carry the battery kit at your home. On the basis of my feedback lots of my friends will go for it. Hope for the best. Ive taken the initial risk now its up to product performance/services. Instead of making lots expenditure on add; company should think about the easy outlet from where everyone can get the demo and taste the water and get battery whenever its required. Whenever youll call for demo; they will not use any product and wather from it. They will say how itll work. Therefore no need to waste your time for calling a person for demo.