To say that the product purifies anything (leave alone DRINKING WATER) is a sin!! I had the sales person come over to my home the other day. The fellow refused to give a demo stating that if he put water in the demo piece it will be damaged!!!
I found the pieces very difficult to clean and especially if the cleaning has to be done atleast once a week. I being a working person, would not want to spend my weekend in cleaning a purifier amongst others.
The only saving grace is the style and colour. The small mesh (which is also supposed to be cleaned by the user!!) is very little assurance in terms of purification. The biggest flaw is that if demo (actual) has to be taken only at select outlets (as informed by the sales fellow) why bother with the Door-to-Door service system at all.A remark worth addition is that the sales fellow did not know who should be contacted for after sales service!!