Yeah its advertised as the cheapest option available but its actually not. It has many problms in its maiantenance. Also I had a horrfying experience with its service centre in Sector 8 Rohini Delhi. As I wanted a replacement for its kit so I went to the service centre and registered my address and phone number. They called me 3 times confirming and reconfirming time of visit. A guy did visit us at that time and asked for 700 Rs advance that we gave. After couple of hours another guy visits us and claims himself from the same service provider.
At the top of it when his boss visits us, who claims to be incharge of sales for north delhi puts blame on us. These are the activities happening in their service center. They leak your personal contact details and send crooks to your house.
If thats not enough, they will themselves come with goon types guys along with them and will misbehave with you.
I guess it was a mistake to trust HLL brand. I have decided to throw the machine. But it if you dont want to get it serviced.