It was Saturday evening, the sun became full red and was ready to bed, themoon has not woke up early that time, the train that I was traveling inmoved faster than my ambitious thoughts.
After about 2 hourssince I boarded the train, I took a book out of my bag and continuedreading the chapter which I have to begin, I read the previous chaptera month ago when I was in my room at Kerala, I am not a habitualreader.
The chapter I was reading on that particular day toldabout the peace making strategy on broken relationships among people welive with. I finished reading that chapter, I kept it in my bag and wasthinking about the broken relationships I had in my life till that timeand realized how foolish I was with those people!
At about 8pm, a co-passenger came near me, he was one of the member of a muslimfamily who were traveling with me in the compartment.
The Guy: What is that book you were having?
Me: Its there. I showed him a India Today Magazine.(I was reading this magazine too)
The Guy: No, the book with a Tree Picture and written "The Purpose.mmm."
Me: ohhh! "The purpose Driven Life" wait.(i was doubtful, why he is asking this book)
[i took that book out and gave him]
The Guy: Is it a Bible?
Me: No its not a Bible.( I was afraid to tell him that the author of the book has
quoted words from Bible too)
[He had a look at the book, after a pause he again started]
The Guy: How much is this book Cost? Is it available in Chennai? or can u give me this book,
I will pay you now itself.
Me: It costs Rs.175 and it is available in chennai. Do you need this book?
The Guy: YES, this book has seomthing good, the words in the cover
"What on Earth Am I Here For" attracted me.
Me: You can take this for free.
The Guy: Ohhh problem I will pay for it.
Me: No, I have gifted this book earlier to few people. You can have it for free.
The Guy: ok Thanks.Please leave your signature in the book.
Me: I asked his name.I will leave my mobile number in this book,
please let me know about your experience with this book.
(His name is Shah Jahan, he is a caterer)
The Guy: ok Sure
Then he sat down and started reading.then we had some discussions along the journey.
Iwas really surprised about how the book attracted him, I have neversaid him anything about the book.and later I realized that theattraction was not me who was reading that book but the "Book which I was reading."
OK. Let me tell about the book titled " The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren from United States of America.
Thisbook has got answers for all questions of life. Though this book hasquotes from Bible also, I would suggest this book to everyone andrequest that atleast have a onetime read over the book.
I can assure you 100% that.
This book will not motivate you to change your religion, customs, ethics which all of us follows.
After reading this book, you will have a excellent and quality approach towards life.
After this incident I got an idea of stgarting a "Roaming Library" Which will be soon put into action.
Note: If you can buy this book for Rs.175, please go ahead, this is going to be one of the worthiest investements you make.
If you have any difficulty in getting this book near your location, please contact me with below contact details.
Ifyou want to try this book without buying, please convey your interestwith the below contact details, I will send the book for FREE, afterreading you can return it to me.( This is the idea behind my roaminglibrary)
Iam not a official promotor of this book, the only reason that I amsuggesting this book is. "If you think your questions about life isunanswered give it a try"!
Thanks for the journey with this article of mine.