Hi guys today I am reviewing my best place in Bangalore which is known as orion Mall.
According to me the best place 2go tu malls in weekend if anyone want to come tu bangalore first you come to orion Mall.
First Impressions are
There is a good security for womens and childrens so dont be afraid of thief
What you want for your home everything will be there in this Mall so please dont miss any chance
And at the top floor there is a games for all category of human
And are the ground floor there is a ingredients for your kitchen items
This Mall has 5 floor. In each floor there is minimum of 3 rest rooms
And in 4th floor there is pVR Cinemas to get the best entertainment in that floor only there is a best hotels and restaurant so please dont miss the chance
And in third floor and second floor there is best company for fashion and other items.
Surround the mall there are beautiful places to see like temples gardens exedra
Thank you for reading my review thats it guys.