In my point of view, PVR is the best place to watch movie . there are many reasons for watching there movie. Im going to share my experience with PVR.
Whenever I make a plan for movie. That time We thought about PVR.
Advantages: -
1) Reasonable price for all cast: - best price as compare to other theaters.
2) Online Offers: - PVR is the one of the best online offers provider likes discount of 20%, 50%, buy 1 get 1 free. Etc
3) Sound Quality: - I like the sound of the PVR cinemas. Its good bass system.
4) Service: - As we know that its many branches all over india. So its trying to provide win win situation service to its customer.
Overall best pucture Quality and sound quality with reasonable price cinema.
Thank u. I like it and I suggest yo visit once time.