We used the Online booking facility of PVR Cinemas to book tickets for Spiderman 3 in their Bangalore Theatre. The booking failed two out of three times. My credit card was charged all the three times! What is worse - this happened last Monday and I am still not able to talk to them on a working phone number. They have not given any phone number in their web site. A few numbers I found using web search are either not working any more or are always busy. Talked to someone in Delhi and even they are unable to give a working number of Bangalore. Talked to someone else in Delhi and they kept me on hold for 5 mintues and still did not respond. Sent an email to feedback@pvrcinemas.com and there is no response.
I am at my wits end. If anybody reading this review can give me a working contact number for PVR Bangalore, I will be much grateful.
The theatre is OK but food prices are high. Popcorn which is Rs. 10/- everywhere else is Rs. 40/- inside PVR.
Update 1: Finally could talk to someone in Delhi. He assures me the money will be refunded. He also gave me a different email-id support@pvrcinemas.com and also took down the details. Sent an email to support@pvrcinemas.com. Waiting for their response.
Update 2: Got a respone from support@pvrcinemas.com. They say the money will be refunded.
Update 3: The money has been refunded to my credit card account. So this story has a happy ending:-) I only wish they had given the email address: support@pvrcinemas.com somewhere in their web site and also responded faster to mails sent to that address.