Most things are fine; but they force you to buy snacks and drink inside their premises. This is flouting MRTPC act. They cant force customers to buy food from their outlets. In case you have some food with you, youre required to deposit it with the security!
They check you as though youre carrying something dangerous; however, what they want to know is if you are carrying any eatable and if theyd lose business!!!!
Either they totally bar all food inside their movie theatres or allow people to either purchase at their outlet or bring their own.
They are in the entertainment business and food business. I can understand if a hotel bars customers from bringing outside food in to their premises. But I cant understand a movie theatre doing this. Further, in the future, hospitals will start demanding customer to buy food from their premises. Theyd also go another mile extra asking people to buy medicines from their outlets following this example. Wheres an end to this treachery? Malls will then go ahead and ask people to buy food, drink and ask you to use their telephones and bar you from bringing those things in to the malls. Where is the end????
Businesses should be required by law to keep to their main line of businesses
I am thinking of going to the Consumers Forum to file a redressal complaint.
These guys stink and what attitude they have when customers protest! I am sure this will be dealt with when some of us go to the Consumers Forum or file a PIL against them. They need to be taught a lesson!