Lest take another look back into the 80s music. Not only did we have the great and awesome band of Bon Jovi, but how about that Great band DEF LEPPARD!
The CD Pyromania by Def Leppard I feel is one of the best albums they ever made. Their band came through alot of problems, but they hung in there and blasted their way to the top of the charts.
The drummer had one of the most horrific things happen to him, he lost one of his arms in a accident. This didnt stop him like it might have done others. He loved playing his drums and he kept practicing and then one day he was back at the SET. He made his drums fit him for his disability. Instead of using two arms he had to add feet peadles instead. This didnt stop Def Leppard, and everyone was rushing to concerts to see if they still had it or not.
Here are a few songs I enjoy off this CD:
Rock Rock till You Drop... Now this song is a rocker you can hear the drums beating out loud and the guitar is awesome. This song always made me get up off my feet and dance no matter where I was at. So Rock Rock till you drop, Rock Rock never stop!
Photograph.... This is a cool tune as well. It isnt as powerful as Rock Rock, but it does have its own style and lyrics that you can sing along with. I guess you could use this online when someone sends you their photograph and you might have really been thinking to yourself this: ( I dont want your photograph).lol.
3.Foolin.... I like this song cause the way they sing it is different, I like the way they say fooooooling in this song.
- Rock of Ages... This is a nice rock song and the guitar and drums are so great, the lead vocals really hit the high marks.
Those are just a few songs I enjoy off this album. I do have to say though there is one song that this band sings that is not on this album, but I love it anyway and it is POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME! Now that song is GREAT AND THE BEST!....
I remember hearing Def Leppard at all the partys I use to go to when I was a teenager, kids loved this band and I do miss them today.
Other songs on this album are as follow:
Too Late for Love
Die Hard the Hunter
Comin under Fire
Action! Not Words
Billys got a Gun
The whole CD is 45 min long. So you have almost a whole hour of enjoyment to listen too.