I had been to Qatar two times. I really enjoyed the trip. There are positive as well as some negative things.
Let us talk about Qatar a little. Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world. It is very rich due to its petroleum reserves. It is considered as a country on anticline by Geologists. This means that the land underneath is full of Petroleum.
"Qatar. Once seen, never forgotten"
Isnt that what they say in the tourist commercials for Qatar? And for me that is as true as it can be!
But what is so special about this country? why do I keep coming back, when most people that has been there and lives there says its so damn boring?
First of all they got some of the most amazing Arabian horses in the world!
But besides that the whole atmosphere, it is so relaxed.
The desert is so beautiful, and perfect for a BBQ:)
And last but suddenly not least! The people. I never in my life met so many friendly and helpful people as I have done in Qatar! You always feel welcome, almost like you have lived their your whole life.
Doha is a lovely city, with a mix of western and Arabic culture and architecture, and are really worth a visit! Though it might not be the cheapest place to travel.