Hey guys,
Today, I will share my experience with qspiders.
Qspiders is no different from Money making Consultancy
I joined qspiders in Aug last year. First of all my trainer is worst teacher in this world, who took 6 months to complete core Java and selenium, which is supposed to end in 2.5 months. He skipped so many topics in core Java and selenium, which I learned from online websites.
Now coming to placement, forget any opportunities if you did only core Java selenium. They are sending only handpicked candidates after fake grooming classes. If you missed one grooming class, no matter what is the reason they will not allow you for further drives. They will make your life hell and torture you for not taking full software testing course.
HR told me that I didnt take manual classes from qspiders thats why I am not eligible for Selenium drive. But on the other hand, they are allowing students to attend drive, who paid full software testing fee after completing core Java selenium course.
they change rules and regulation according to their mood.
I got P1 & P1* mock rating in core Java and selenium. I applied for certificate back in Feb, after almost 3 months today I got.
Even after answering exact answer from their notes, they keep on giving me remock from last 3 months. Today, they showed their true Colors, not allowing selenium trained student for selenium mass drive but permitted students who just completed manual testing and started selenium classes.
Right now I am standing in the middle of nowhere, not getting calls from outside. Also tried naukri.com, shine.com, monster.com, linkedin.com, etc. for opportunities.
So, dont join this institute guys.