Hello this is Jeet here I am young and smart so trying to date someone special like evey young person like to be. so I searched for Online dating site then after I visited to Quack Quack online dating site and registered in it by filing their online form and login with social media. after they showed me so many desire matches which I mentioned in my desired partners preference. after clicking on it they show details of person but we cant connect to them directly becaouse to connect them we must want to upgrade our membership by purchasing Quack Quack.coms membership package. even If anyone visited to ur profile u unable to see who is visited to your profile becaouse you you are a free member so just I inquired about it to my one of friend who has used this service in past to take opinion of his so he told me dont upgrade on it its not genuin profile in there. he had upgraded there but no response or no any partner met him till so dont use it wast of time