Just registered to say my opinion on QUEST, Bangalore. I put up about 17 months of experience at QUEST, I quit job as I got myself enrolled for my post graduation.
# Employee policies are not as good as compared to other companies, I have seen people who have put 5 plus years of hard work shown door for just one fault in one project. This is very unfair.
# Freshers inspite of getting low salary of 10-12K were also laid off in a very unprofessional manner, HR would walk to the person hand him some papers in full view of other collegues, they will tell him to sign them and come to meeting hall. No much talking we have decided to lay you off and thats it, many of my friends who faced this situation have developed lot of negativism in life. Some of them were good engineers with good marks from good colleges. One of them even was fed up of life, its really unfortunate these things happen at start of career.
# When the lay process is in place there is no one talking to you, suddenly Project leader/manager will go into temporary hiding, bcos HR wants no emotional things to come out during send off.
# Honestly If I was there during recession time I would been thrown out and by Gods grace I avoided the disgrace of LAY-OFF
# There is no feeling of presence of Human Resource department, it can be aptly called as just hiring and firing department .
# Statistics based appraisal cant be understood by even the best statistician on earth. Some ranks jump up and some ranks go down, for a company of this size a one to one methoid would be good, but QUEST is following the computer based appraisal bcos they dont want demands of employees be heard. Even if some quit, seldom will manager approach agrieved employee. This way all working class employees believe TL/PM are hand in glove of management. Hence all employees show little or no faith in TL/PMs. Bcos of this feeling work efficiency comes down.
# Many longterm employees are there, they are very substandard in quality, many of them actually resigned but could not survive outside, for QuEST these bunch of guys are like medallions, and claim that many are loyal to the company, in fact the no. is anyway not huge.
# The company is not honest, every year just before appraisals Ajith Prabhu, CEO will fire one email saying a profit of single digit. I think the average hike is about 10 percent, some get 20 some nothing, some will be thrown out based on statistics based appraisal. I heard some time back even IITian was thrown out, not sure if the fact is true or not.
# its almost 15 years and grown from 0 to 1500 odd, still the company has just two owners, its still private and not public. I see from other reviews and comments that quest was supposed to become public in early 2000.
My stay at quest was mostly w/o any work, they keep shuttling between teams to improve our productivity hence survival chances in the company.
Readers of this review may alert your friends about this SUBSTANDARD company and if you are Engineer by chance please do avoid this company. Even being unemployed is better than working for these type of companies which has no standards at all.
I thank god for taking me out of this ghostly place called QuEST.