RS Aggarwal quantitative books is very nice to clear quant part in competitive exams.
We all know that every competitive exam mainly contains aptitude part so, necessary to clear this topic in this situation RS Aggarwal is the best choice because it cover every topic of the aptitude.
First every chapter contains the brief introduction then there are nearly 15-20 different types of problems with clear explanation, then there is 150-200 exercise problems also there if you practice all the problems then I am you will get grip on that topic, if you dont know how to solve the problem then explanation is also available in the backside.
I will recommended this book for who are appearing for competitive exams. The solving methods also explain very easily.
Its really contain good content for campus drives and other competitive exams this book is sufficient.
But if you are preparing for gate and cat or other high level exams then you have to go for other books which contain concepts in depth.
For normal exams this RS Aggarwal book is more than enough prepare from it and be success in you exams.