Ok, first things first. You need to have seen Casino Royale(and remember it quite well) before seeing this one. Cause this one starts off exactly where Royale left off.
While its not as good as Casino Royale, QoS will still keep you glued to your seats. The story is pretty intricate and complex, so you’ll have to keep up with it right from the first frame. The story jumps from country to country(Italy, UK, Tahiti) and you’ll be bored pretty soon if you dont keep up. A large portion of the audience in the theater was getting restless precisely because of that. So if you’re just looking for a fun, timepass flick, its better to stay away from this one.
The name of the movie is quite apt, in the sense that the ’quantum’ of ’solace’ here is the small intervals of silence you get between the high-adrenaline and high-octane action sequences. Car chases, chases on foot, airplane chases, you have it all! The new Bond is ruthless, not as classy as his predecessors and certainly not as charming. But these are the things that make him seem more real.
Bottom Line: Its a great flick to watch with your friends. Watch it if you liked Casino Royale. The fast paced story and the mind-blowing chase action sequences will leave you breathless.