A gentle winter breeze is blowing across the Mandovi. There is soft music playing in the background. A colourfully lit boat makes its evening rounds while entertaining (live performers) the guests onboard. All this while you can hear little splashes of the river water. Sounds like a dream?..... Nah... sounds like GOA!!!
Righto.... open your eyes and have another sip of your cocktail and re-view the surroundings. They are just perfect to end your day in Panaji. This perfect setting is brought to you, courtesy Quarter Deck.
With a wide range of choice on the menu card, it sometimes is really difficult to choose the right thing. I took the easy way out and asked the captain to suggest me some authentic Goan food. And he obliged us with a few great choices in fried fish and chicken. Then I asked him about some good veg. stuff. (P.S - he did not cover the veg. stuff in the authentic Goan list, and quite rightly so)
For starters we had some kebabs and since I was in Goa, it would have been a crime not to opt for something from the bar menu.
There is a wide range of spirits, cocktails and mocktails (for the Tarla Dalal types :-)). We settled for a vodka and a virgin Pinacolada. Trust me, it was the best Pinacolada that I have tasted all my life. In hindsight, I realised it might have been because they use fresh coconut milk to prepare the mocktail, since Goa has an abundant supply of fresh coconut. We did taste the other mocktails on our later visits, but none came closer to this Pinacolada.
The Goan mood was further enhanced by the Pomfret fry and fish curry. As we gobbled down on the delicacies, we wished thay should never come to an end.
Quarter Deck is not a great spot for Goan only food. It also serves some great North Indian cuisine. special recommendation should go for the Chicken Tikka Masala and Veg. Biryani.
The right side of the menu card is also reasonable for the quality of food and ambience. An average full-course dinner will cost around Rs. 150-200 per person, excluding the spirits.
The place is suitable for any kind of any kind of dinner. Be it a business meet, a family dinner or whether it is a friends meet only. It caters to everyone equally well.
Quarter Deck is a place where you can spend a few hours without hesitation. All you need to do is keep your eyes wandering in the river (and around you of course ;-)) enjoying your glass and platter all the while.
Goa is a place which takes the pace off you. So when in Goa do what the Goans do. Relax and spend a long while at this fab restaurant. You wont complain.