I am in QuestNet Business from more than 1 year & what I have experienced is you can get true friends who will always stand by you in mere future, if you help someone earn millions of rupees & make his family tension free that person will trust you & can never 4get the favour. Now there r some people who say through QuestNet you lose friends it all depends on you how you are takin the opportunity the only problem which non-IRs cannot bear is a DREAMERS ATTITUDE which Quest IRs have as these people have lost all hopes from life. QuestNet teaches us how to dream, how to build morally strong, how to go through the challenges, how to achieve your goals, how to build your own TEAM. You Know when we IRs say I am goin to buy this car one day worth rs.50 lakhs in 2 years through cash down or will give a bunch of happiness to my family including Money Freedom+ Time Freedom, people around us just get JEALOUS OR IT HURTS THEIR EGO as non-IRs think"how can you think something different as you are just one of us." Guys it takes guts to do something different, it takes no pain to crib n cry about something. You dont lose your friends infact you make your friendship more powerful & strong & never-ending what matters it just a change of mind-set. There are some people who say these IRs feel non-IRs are losers, its not true we dont make you feel losers infact we give you chance that "DUDE! its the time to wake up now say to yourself that I msick and tired of the financial worries, running after money and no ullu ka patha can rule my life" do you think IRs or QuestNet will have any problem to make you Financial Free(Money Free+ Time Freedom). If you are working do you get time to meet your friends?NO. QuestNet gives you an opportunity to be with your friends and family working with them committedly with full of integrity just for 2-4 years in a right manner with a right system. Imagine if all of your friends are millionaire through QuestNet dont you think you can enjoy wherever you want? at that time you wont have money problem nor time problem. Those who want to change their life most welcome & for those who still think QuestNet make you lose friends cant do anything about them except pity them.all the best