What could I say about these unlucky, unfortunate people who think that QUESTNET is just a scam..These people are just like frogs living in the well, ( koop-mandook) who havent seen or dont want. to see the beautyful world outside the stinking well..This short story would sum everything up:.Once upon a time there were 3 pigs doing what pigs enjoy doing most i.e. "ROLLING IN DIRT"..An Angel came from Heaven and offered to take them to Heaven..
The 1st pig quickly agreed .Went to Heaven and enjoyed Eternal Bliss..The 2nd pig asked the Angel "Will I Get The Dirt In Heaven? " For this pig the ultimate pleasure.was "Rolling In Dirt".The 3rd pig was a Pseudo Intellectual Pig & started asking all kind of questions like- How can I be sure that you are an Angel? Is there really a heaven? What will iget there? Why? When? etc. etc..
It died asking questions, but could never enjoy either the Dirt or HEAVEN..All Characters in this story are ENTIRELY FACTUAL & any resemblance to known characters is .TOTALLY INTENTIONAL!.Six months back, I was living a similar life. But when an Angel( one of my leader) guided me to .the way to Heaven(QUEST NET) I jumped to the opportunity & never regretted..I have fulfilled lot of my dreams & would continue doing so...