One of my friend has explained about this plan. I have done simple calculation to show that how much money you will be investing and how much return you and your friends/ team/ group members will be getting. See the bellow example.
Initially you will be investing Rs. 30, 000- 50, 0000 to buy one coin and its atual worth based on the gold and diamond weight is Rs. 4000- 6000(approx).
That means the QN will make a profit of Rs. 25, 000 - Rs.35, 000 on each coin.
You will be getting Rs. 2300 once A & B members joins under you. and Rs.11, 500 you will be getting only once A1, A2 & B1, B2 joins under A & B members respectively.
Total amount QN company paying to you and the members under you is Rs. 18, 400 ( Rs. 2300 when A & B joins under you and Rs. 11, 500 to you and Rs. 2300 each of A & B when A1 , A2 & B1, B2 joins under them) and QN making profit of Rs.160, 000 (Approx) i.e. Total profit from the 7 members is Rs. 180, 000 less Rs. 18, 400.
As of now most of the members of QN are well qualified people. I dont under stand how they are joining with QN without having minimum common sense.
Hi Friends,
One of my friend has explained about this plan. I have done simple calculation to show that how much money you will be investing and how much return you and your friends/ team/ group members will be getting. See the bellow example.
Initially you will be investing Rs. 30, 000- 50, 0000 to buy one coin and its atual worth based on the gold and diamond weight is Rs. 4000- 6000(approx).
That means the QN will make a profit of Rs. 25, 000 - Rs.35, 000 on each coin.
You will be getting Rs. 2300 once A & B members joins under you. and Rs.11, 500 you will be getting only once A1, A2 & B1, B2 joins under A & B members respectively.
Total amount QN company paying to you and the members under you is Rs. 18, 400 ( Rs. 2300 when A & B joins under you and Rs. 11, 500 to you and Rs. 2300 each of A & B when A1 , A2 & B1, B2 joins under them) and QN making profit of Rs.160, 000 (Approx) i.e. Total profit from the 7 members is Rs. 180, 000 less Rs. 18, 400.
As of now most of the members of QN are well qualified people. I dont under stand how they are joining with QN without having minimum common sense.