First understand the Anatomy
of Goldquest *
Suppose population of India
is about 111 crores. The president of goldquest start the scheme with him at
top and recruits 10 vice-presidents below him, who recruits 100 members, who
get 1000 etc etc. So entire population of India can be a member of this great
scheme in 10 layers only. And **100 crore of them will be in the bottom most
layer. **Because there will be no person left in India for these bottom layer 100
crore prople to recruit, they will loose their money. Of course other people
will make money. The people in other 9 layers who make 10% of all members. So
try to get in upper layer to make money. Do not worry about 100 crore losers,
they probably deserved it. Do not even think about loss to country etc etc, you
have to be selfish to make money. And God forbid, if you happen to find
yourself in bottom most layer, the Gold coin that you purchased in not going to
help you either. You can probably sell it at its Gold content price if it has
any. But if you are thinking that its price will increase as it is art work etc
etc. Then just remember that price of art appreciates because of its rarity,
the less supply and more demand thing. Remember how the onion price increased
last time because of less supply. There is only one MonaLisa painting in
world so its price will appreciate over time. If every person in World has his
own MonaLisa who will buy it from you. So when you will be in bottom layer, you
will not find any new recruit, so no commission. And because everyone else will
already have that coin, no one will buy it from you over the normal price. May
be if you could wait another 100 years or so, it will become rare and then you
or your grandson could sell it to get your money back. It could actually be a
great way to secure your grandson future. Of course that will be possible if
you could survive and live long enough to start a family after the loss of your
hard earned money.
1, 000
10, 000
1, 00, 000
10, 00, 000
1, 00, 00, 000
10, 00, 00, 000
100, 00, 00, 000
Suppose each member recruits 4 instead of 10. Then entire population of India will be
covered in 15 layers and bottom most layer will have 89 crore losers (80%). If
everyone recruits 2, there will be 29 layers with 74 crore (66%) losers.
*How to make more money without risk of getting caught in bottom layer of 90%
The best way to aviod getting caught in bottom layer is to start your own
Goldquest like scam oops scheme. If I were to do this the first thing I must do
is convince the people that they are *not *getting involved in a pyramid
scheme. They may have read about them on Mouthshut and will know these are not
good. Or they may realize that pyramid schemes are a losing proposition for at
least 90 percent of those who get involved. So, I tell them they are joining a
club. I give the club a nice name such as The Mumbai Goldship Club (MGC). I
reassure them that the MGC is approved by the RBI and run by a CA with a Ph.D.
who is not an idiot. If I’m really good, my recruits will believe me and the
police officers, secretaries, teachers, ministers, if I am lucky some retired
UN officer etc. whom I recruit. These well-respected, intelligent, honest
people will pass on this line to others. If I am really, really good, I will
have convinced my recruits not only that they are getting into a legitimate and
lucrative Club, but that any earnings are legal. Even if people already know
that 90% of them are going to loose money, no one will be willing to believe
that could be one of the losers. People are basically greedy and greed can do
wonders to a person’s thinking. And probably I would have done the same because
I am no exception.
So take home message is: Instead of joining Goldquest and taking 90% risk of
losing money, start your own company and be at top. Let the people who believe
they can win take the risk and do the hard work. If you need more advice just
go to Already so many people admire Goldquest,
they will be delighted to get one more opportunity to make more money and make
you rich.
Disclaimer: Post was written to convey a message mixed with some sarcastic
humor. Just take it with a pinch of salt. If you have gone through any of
earlier reviews about Goldquest, you will relish it.