Assuming goldquest to be a very true and lawful company its rather surprising as to why the company has shut its offices all over india for more than eight months and its accounts all over the country are also frozen by the government. The only reason a company is ordered toclose its operations is when the government is clear that the continuation of the business would further harm the national interests. As regards the accounts being frozen its because the amount lying in the account could be used by the government for clearing theliabilities of the company towards the citizens.
The very fact that company has shut office and the accounts are frozen is proof enough that the company has not abided by the laws of the land. If it was a case of an employee or a customer of the company acting not in accordance of indian laws the courts by now would have ordered the opening of the company offices and de-freezing of the company accounts. Its very obvious that the company has defaulted/disregarded the countries laws because of which the operations have been stopped by the lawmakers. As regards goldquest being operational in some states( not through its own offices or accounts) the law will soon catchup and all those responsible for it. Whether or not they are well connected relatives of big politicians. The fate would be the same like padma& feroze khan…its only a matter of time..
If the company is true and follows the law of the country even a roadside lawyer can arrange for the opening of the offices and defreezing of accounts..
I tried to find out the actual value of the so called numismatic coins.. At the time of presentation i was informed that questnet beizing olympic coins have been sponsored by the international olympic association.. To my horror i now notice that the actual endorsing authority is peoples bank of china. 60000 coins are being minted and with such endorsement one can imagine what numismatic value the coinwill ever achieve? A visit to the website of the bank shows no mention of it having endorsed any olympic coin…
The golden temple coins are endorsed by india heritage foundation, a us based organization … https://indiaheritagefoundation.orga visit to the site will reveal how useless the endorsement is …the authenticity certificate enclosed with the product just has a signatureof a person supposedly belonging to the endorsing organization with no mention of address or contact numbers.. Its unfortunate that a company which claims to be clean and aboveboard indulges in cheating scores ofpeople …
Whenever i have contacted my big leaders the standard answer given is “product bada ya business bada” and whenever someone asks about the problems of product delivery the standard answer given is “ problem bada ya business bada”.
I have been cheated by a near and dear. Its my sincere advice not to fall prey to scamsters who are hoodwinking people to enrol their near and dear ones. Quest business model works only with near and dear contacts who blindly accept what you tell them…
If you want to loose face and your relationship with near and dear ones then you can go ahead and join the gang of scamsters.