And Quest Happened!!! 1500 of my business partners who got togather over a period of 8 months exclaim the same, after years of slogging in donkey work. Quest was bestowed uopn all of us as a blessing. People kept DISCUSSING Quest, we DID Quest. They are still DISCUSSING, and ALL my working partners are ENJOYING THE WEEKLY CHEQUES, AND TIME WITH THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. No wonder they say, Successful people make money, Failures become CONSULTANTS!!! No rocket science here-- either get in, get trained and make money, or KEEP DISCUSSING. Its a matter of choice between DREAMS and EGO!!! You CHOOSE whats important.
How does it matter if the coin is round, or money is big? As long as it is enabling HUNDREDS of doctors, engineers, marketing professionals, lecturars, etc to get out of donkey life , RESIGN FROM THE HELL and at last START LIVING, anything else doesnt matter.
Wishing all MBA(Muze Bahut Aata) CONSULTANTS the logic of a FOURTH STANDARD PASS boy who knows two and two is four!!!