I was just looking for a break!!
I always wanted to lead a smooth and worryless life, which was never being possible......I was pretty tired of worrying about my account statement at the end of the months. Tired with the worries of outflowing of money overcoming the incoming, agonising restrictions imposed by myself on me on my purchasing power..... I was rather frustrated.
I was not that I didnot earn good....it was handsome for many like me....still I felt I could get more.
My good old friend, who was very much like me, looked without any worries. I used to wonder and one fine day I approached him and I could find out a gross reality.
Network marketing was a much heard area for me....did have an unknown doubt in mind and hence never took an initiative. However, this time I was looking for something which doesnot follow the rules and I was amazed. I was amazed to see that many people curse network marketing for nothing..... the system never fails...it is the people who fails.
I still wanted to retest myself if I am doing something which is not worth....oh...to my surprise could see my friends who joined the business recently, start getting cheques after cheques and it was all in front of me.... now I knew for sure that the system works and I joined the business. I joined business with the same multinational company doing Global marketing across countries, where my friend was working. It became my own business and I started looking for my business partners.
The turnover potentials are too high and I seriously dont want to believe that. However, it is a fact and it is not absurd to earn Rs. 6, 90, 000 in one week..... oh I am not joking for sure. I am confident about the business.
If you want to join hands with me, you are welcome, perhaps we shall be able to work fantastic. .... get in touch with me at workcaesar@gmail.com. People call me now prosperity consultant....hihihi.
In case you are not interested, please donot indulge. You need to have confidence on yourself like I could get. However, there will be a time when you probably rethink on this.