I think its a good business and to be joined carefully on understanding the complete product or mechanism of its operations. Well its not a push from the Companies end to join. You have to take a call if you can do well in this business. I think with the small amount of Capital, it would give an instinct to start your own business. You may succeed or fail in this business, all depends on how well you have understood the concept and you capabilities to take the business further. There are a lot of failure stories around the product of network marketing. Well its good to know about the failure stories, so that you can avoid such failures for yourself. If you also want to give up even before taking this product, good for you. The people who would like to take up the little challenges in life are the more successful ones in the world. Best wishes to people who do not join and a Bright future to people who join.
My only suggestion would be to ask even the smallest or obvious questions also to get clarifications. As I had a couple of half baked information on network marketing. I gave my fullest when I heard the plan with an open mind and not having a biased view of failure stories of MLM. This was a new concept to me, needed to understand how the Company is going to survive after paying so much of commission, what diversified products the Company is offering and a few more. Never shy away of asking obvious questions even if the introducer is your closed friend. Its better to get clarity before joining or it would be a little late(of course the uplines are always there to help you). There are chance that you don’t like the product or the scheme, in such cases pls do not join the business with half hearted soul, I can assure you will not succeed.
I also thought, worst case I lose the Rs. 35K(i think I can afford to lose that) and dissatisfaction of failure. But I know I am there to prove and make large money in this business and great satisfaction.