I should say that I am not a first hand customer of this product. But my uncle is. I did research when he tried to sell this to me and found that it is total fraud. Am putting it here my comment so that other who come to MS would benifit from it, as I was shocked to see all three cooked up reviews were talking all high about this crappy scheme.
This is not an indian company, it is outside india and the profit money goes outside india.
you got to find 2 other people and make them scapegoat as well. you should also make sure they grow the network or you wont get anything.
the coins you get are some junk, defnitely not worth the 30k.
it is banned in many countries
I didnt want to repeat much infor from the link I have provided and the links there after. but the min review length of 150 words made me type a little more.
for moreinfo visit