These guys are the worst kind of cheaters. Doing away with your money, and forcing you to cheat others as well.
They give you all bullsh!t about success, hard work and other awe inspiring stuff. They sell you a dream of getting rich, but they keep you in dark about how exactly the company is going to make money for you.
In essence, they ask you to put in some money to buy something highly overpriced (in my case, a coin for 30K). The premium they charge, goes in part to the person who sold you this bullsh!t, and the person who sold to that guy and so on.
So, you get something worthless, and then, to make money, you have to sell this worthless thing to others to make money.I belong to a middle class family, and this was one of my first investments. I still curse the friend (Anurag Awasthi) who duped me into this. He must be rotting in hell for this. I can not find his FB id, or I would have posted it here. On a more personal front, I consider this decision as one of the key factors in me developing migraine and obesity later in 2009. I bought it in 2009. I wonder how they are still not caught by the law..
Three things happen when you buy this:-
1) You lose 30 K for something worth less that 5K
2) You are forced to bring in other contacts who will in turn dupe others to buy this sht. You end up selling this sht to your close relatives or friends, who in turn curse you and should hit you.
I never did this fraud part (I have my conscience clear on that).
3) You lose sleep over it.
Not a month goes (even after 3 years) by when I curse the moment I decided to give in to the buying urge from my friend...
On a positive note, I learned one very valuable lesson in life:- Never trust anyone with your hard earned money, even if you think you have enough. You will regret it eventually.
Q- Why am I writing it after 3 years? Why not before?
A- I started using mouthshut only recently, and came to know that there is an active group of reviewers and readers. I have always warned people in person about Multi Level Marketing after that and tried to explain it to them why this is a fraud.
Here is another list of reasons why you should really think before actually buying this:-
1) Any fraudulent person always insists you to make quick decision regarding buying. Once you get such an offer, better keep you ears alert.
2) They give you some awe inspiring dreams, show you some cheques, and some photos from some trips for this business purpose
3) They Convert the prospect, and make him/her a partner into the fraud, without clearly explaining to you why and how this model of business can make money.
Let me ask you just this one question. Are the rest of the people in the world fools, who would not invest their money if something was genuinely good? Is Warren Buffet a fool, not to invest in Quest Net?
These people have become zombies and want to make others zombies like them. They have a dedicated team of reviewers who writes positive comments. But I urge you to read them as well, and find out if they have any real substance in them. All I can see is some vague dream inducing words like success , achievement and a lot of similar bullsh*t.
I have spent about 45 minutes writing this review, and hope to save at least some of you from becoming zombies. I am sure the Quest Net team will leave no stones unturned to discredit this review. But I had to write it.
Ashutosh sinha
Dear Anurag Awasthi, May you rot in hell for this, and that dear friend of yours, Mainu Kalita, and that other fellow who came from Bangalore to convince me back, all of you. Wish if I had a day to beat you up, I would gladly spend it doing that.