There are many company like google and many other company simply dont like pyramid schemes. Read the terms and condition of few companies:- 1) In rad this part:-(This is google map terms and conditions):- ’’upload, post, email or transmit or otherwise make available messages that promote pyramid schemes, chain letters or disruptive commercial messages or advertisements, or anything else prohibited by law, these Terms of Service or any applicable policies or guidelines. ’’
Also go through followings:- And there are hundreads of them who dont like pyramid schems. Also go through this link:- lost its good economy because of pyramid scheme.
Read this line from the above link:- . Many citizens, naive to the workings of a market economy, put their entire savings into pyramid schemes. In a short while, $2 billion (80% of the country’s GDP) had been moved into the hands of just a few pyramid scheme owners, causing severe economic troubles and civic unrest.