I was wondering why people look negatively to QuestNet as a network marketing company? In my understanding, network marketing or MLM or whatever is just a name. What Ive learnt its only a simplified of conventional distribution channel of product. No problem at all with that. Network markting as simple as a company who hired many salesmen to be able to sell the product. That simple. When a selesman sell the product, at the end of the month he/she get the commission. Also his/her manager get bonus. So why certain people said that QuestNet is scam? I really dontunderstand. QuestNet also do the same thing with the company who hired those salesmen. What makes difference are people in QuestNet treat this as business not just sell the products. I dont feel any problem at all. From my experience, The big problems are come out from people who underestimate network marketing business. They are too arrogance to learn, to understand the company & system.
They think they can have a lot of money without working hard. They think they can get big income by sitting at home & asking their people in their network to work. What an attitude & thinking! QuestNet has a fair system. People who work more seriously. work with heart & willing to help their people in the net to be successful will get more income, regardless when they came in. QuestNet is a real & serious business. The most important thing that Ive learnt as a matter of fact, to be successful in QuestNet business people MUST do self-improvement since network marketing business is a leadership businessnot bossy business. This is the things that people are not willing to do while this is the most important thing to do. I was wondering why people say this is scam??@!@!? My strongly suggestion for people who never have a QuestNet business is check it out yourself , learn it & prove it when you hear something especially negative things. dont just swallow it. God give us brain to be use properly. For people who is running QuestNet business right now, please always learn, learn, learn how to build the net properly since learning is a life time proses. Work with heart , honestly & integity.
QuestNet business give opportunity to people without curriculum vitae. In this era while thousands of people is fired from company they work for, QuestNet gives opportunity without cv. I BELIEVE if we run QuestNet business properly, we will be a blessing for others. Never, never find out a perfect company since they will not exist anyway. Only God is perfect. I appreciate QuestNet since people in management always prepare rooms for improvement. They are willing to listen for improvement. Learn work with heart, help people to be successful . QuestNet network marketing? Why Not? ..... God bless!