I had been approached by my senior colleague for a "Business Opportunity" . So, first she contacts me and tells me that she is earning quiet good with her business and if I am interested can I invest and if yes how much. When asked about what the company is or what business she does the reply "Cannot explain it on phone, its very complex . lets arrange for a meeting."
{ Reason 1: It is kept as a secret and nothing is disclosed before the meeting}
Next, at the meeting. I am shown this nice presentation about would you like to be in the top 1% rich of the world or would you want to be stuck in the middle class lifestyle.
Also, you are told that if you want to become a partner in the business you need to become a customer first, i.e. need to buy a product. So basically they are selling it as a money making scheme where you can earn money only if you buy their product.
{Reason 2:This is exactly opposite of what their officals state, that they are an ecommerce business and that they do not lure people into making huge profits. Instead, they show it as a business raking in lots of money(4 lakh per week in approx 4 years:P), which is opposite to the statement given by their company officials "
Next, You are asked to make immediate decision as to invest in this business and if you need to signup, it needs to be immediate yes or no. as per her statement "There are many interested, and we want to choose the best only." Also, when asked for a days time I am guided with some Dont: Do not discuss it with people whom you want to sign up. Do not discuss it with family members as they would never believe in this scheme and they are generally of traditional mindset, Do not go on the net as there are many fake reviews.
{Reason 3: They want you to make immediate decision as they want you to make a decision in haste, so that you do not get time to think rationally. If they were genuine, they would have given you time to think and make decision and not ask for immediate answers and same goes with not discussing it with any one as they know they might change your mind.}
Next, after no follow up from me I ma being called and asked for reasons and told lured into joining their business. when questioned about the arrests happening in India I get a reply, "Dont you trust me, do you think I would have invested in such a business being an educated person"
{Reason 4: They play psychological and guilt traps on you}
My questions are simple:
1) Why do they project it as a get rich scheme and not as an eCommerce company
2) Why do they tell you that in order to become a partner you need to buy a product, this is exactly opposite of the official statement "That they are eCommerce company and along with that they help people earn." Basically, they are projecting themselves as eCommerce in official statement and on website to prevent them from being banned, but all their IRs are selling it as a business scheme with a small member ship fee "Buy a product and become our member"
3) Why do they dont give you time to think or advise you not to discuss it with anyone.
4) If they are earning so much, why are they still working at their current jobs.( minimum 3-4 lakh in first year and If I am good 4 lakh a week later on. As per the person, she and her husband are earning upto 50K a week)
5) In the name of eCommerce why are they selling highly overpriced products, which have no brand value else ware.
I would advice people not to take decision in haste and think rationally before "investing ". Basically, they are scamming people with get rich scheme and have taking the help of eCommerce as a legal loop hole. Their products are just a legal way out of their get rich scheme.