I suggest to you all before you are quick to say anything is a scam read, read and read some more.
I highly recommend a bookbusiness school by robert kiyosaki.... see also what Donald Trump is doing with network marketing/Direct marketing/affliate marketing (Whatever you call it... it is a business of referring customers to buy products) which he launched business on 29th Oct...
Why would successfull enterpreneurs want to be associated with shady ways of doing business? Direct marketing is a mode of business that started in the States years ago and of course it was not taken well in the beginning. Amway was even taken to court for being a pyramid scheme... then Today it is one of the top Direct selling companies.
Quest net is a direct selling company offering people who are willing to WORK an opportunity to build a business and change their lives...
They know something about making money you dont know and I suggest before you are quick to discredit a company do some research....
Nairobi - Kenya
Product Questnet distributor