Hello friends, happy new year to all of you. Today I m going to give my review about the book Questions are the answers written by allen pease. This book is available in almost 27 languages of the world. The real facts and quality of this book is hidden inside the name of book itself.
This book reveals the real solutions what a notmal person needs when they are starting and business and enterprises.
Attitude learning is the first lesson by allen pease. How we are seeing the problems. Whether as a priblems or as challenges. How we should start to make people ready to listen us.
How people are going to give appointments to us for any presentations.
How we can make an effective conversations and how can we sale effectively and make people convinced.
How can we solve the problems of people. We should never argue with people whereas we should start with qusestions because when we are asking questions people are thinking we are giving them priority. This is the fact why they are listening us.
At last he taught us how can we recognize that guests are taking interests in us or not by seeing their gestures.
This book chamged me alot and now also I am learning by this book day by day.
Its not a book but a psychology of human being.
Everyone who are starting their startup or carrier in sales marketting they should prefer this book.
Thank you!