Dont ever pay money to put any sort of advertisement or anything , no matter whuch sales guy come , all the sales guy are great but the back end people hardly work here, higher authorities just want sales, they will never solve customer query, if any one wants to me too prove iit, I can give you n number of customers all over mumbai
Their website of real estate is of bad quality. Just search ad for 1 location and all other places a ill also come
Hardly u will generate any business here
Plz dont even pay 10rs for their paid ads and banners
I have worked in many companies, before but this was my biggest mistake
All the investors who are puttinf their money in quikt
Plz see the ground reality once, they are just harassing the employees and customers
Any 1 who says against thr company will be removed, the hr team is the biggest incompetent I have seen
Plz dont pay any money to the thief company