I had registered in this website with my real email id and mobile number. I was searching for an item I wanted to buy. I found some sellers and contacted them via this website. After two days, I got a response from one of the sellers in my email. The email body contained sellers phone number along with the complete ad posted on quikr. The link in this ad landed me to the sellers logged in profile page. I could browse all the sellers information and update it. I could also see the ads posted by the seller and responses the seller got. Except password change, I could do everything possible in that account.
Another problem I faced was that based on my searches in this website, it automatically generates dummy classified ads. This is probably to increase their ad count. I got response from people to buy the items that I had searched for. The ad text was autogenerated based on the item I searched and the text from some other random ads. I realized this because the ads has a different location mentioned that the one I live in.
Beware of such websites. Your personal information can go everywhere.
I tried to remove my account from this website but it doesnt have any option to remove my account or change email id.