The Quickr application is really very quickly responsive customer care services in the online wesites, to click a product are apply for a job the notifications messages are delivered to mail ID in frature of seconds.
Every single Click is notify by mail ID via Quickr application, this is really unimaginable working of customer care services.
I am serached a part time job in this application, lots of job Vacancies included in the category of part time job.
And the some of fake companys included in the part time job categories, im clicking the one company name is Varsha data entry, the company is full of cheated offers with the not respondable calls and mail IDs. So kindly carefull to the joining of jobs in Quickr.
Im not a any products to buy in this application, only I used job vacancies .
The application is truly amazing dsiaply of visulas in the all categories of product details, clearly to searched the products and other details .
The reliability of a products and the website page is trumendous response form the Graduates, from the past 5 months .So finally the Quickr is Always quicker.