Everyone know that Quickr is helpful to purchase second hand products that is old products.
In Quikr you can buy or sell your products.
Here conversation will be be happen between seller and buyer through chatting.
Once the seller or buyer provide contact information then he can contact him/her.
Disadvantages which I found in Quikr was
In quikr, product estimation was not right.
Its depends on seller he can sell his comfortable price even though that product will not satisfied or suite for that price.
One of the main disadvantage was here many quikr users are uploading jobs.
Most of the jobs which I found was fake.
In quikr every job they upload was data entry jobs.
Data entry jobs are really fake. Initially they will ask some amount to deposit.
They will convince you once you paid deposit amount we will provide data immediately.
After you can start your work.
Guys trust me most of the jobs asking some deposits are fake.
If you found any jobs without investment join. I can accept.
Trust me I was real experience.
Hope it was helpful you guys.
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