I had 2 cots to sell. I put up all photos from different angles on quickr and opted for Doorstep, wherein Quickr will collect the cots and deliver it to seller.
A seller after viewing all the photos and getting his queries answered, bought it, paid Quickr. he scheduled the delivery after 2 weeks. the cots were picked up from my place the next day. After that I bought a new cot for myself. After 2 weeks Quickr calls saying user rejected the cots and they are returning it. Wow!
I asked why dd he rejected - no answer. they say you call the seller and find out. So anybody can buy from Quickr, keep the object pending for weeks, then schedule delivery and simply reject it.
Quickr has no answer to it, they will simply dump back the object to the seller. So all out there, please be wary of Quickr Doorstep. Looks good but a big screw up in the offing.
I am going back to other websites where user comes and sees and buys it directly. No more of these doorsteps.