I purchased a new phone from quickr program exchange phone.
I placed a order first they took order confirm then cancel the order saying we are get techincal issue in your area so
then I booked 2nd time different city now order confirm but took 10 days after calling again and again to cc for deliver.i said I bring phone to your office and take everytime saying no we are out of office delivery boy took will come today.
and guess what the tech guys comes and say your phone will not be accpeted cause he seems to something yellow thing.tech guy check all camera, wifi, bluetooth, bla bla bla in last saying screen problem yours screen gone.
if screen gone then why he need to check other thing, just seen and said but no checked all, complete reset my phone saying ok we dont want any data of yours and in last ohh screen yellow.dont know what yellow thing I not able to make but he can.just make fools
but I know quickr really dont want to excahnge just wanted to make customer fools I had complete talk with quickr cc before they told in perfect working condition and with charger.
my phone has no issue all function working fine checked at apple store no problem but quickr as price decrease need and reason to deny phone.
ohh now I understood nothing screen gone its just price decrease so any how have to reject what to say, say screen problem no one can prove boom customer fooled.
I ordered exchange price was 19k till delivery is exchange price 12k bus thats the issue nothing else I have understood since they not delivering from 10days and keeping in office.
loss of 6k cause that day one guys was buying my phone now just cause of quikr.com I made loss