There is nothing called "Post Free Ad" per se on their portal.
If you do one, you will someone call you, and all areRelationship Managers to tell you that your ad will not get any response and you should upgrade as only then will calls come into you.
I placed a free ad for a landlord who is not internet savvy and the next thing is the call for payment of Rs.998.
Landlord again requests me to handle the online payment since it is my email id that is gone out.
Link comes in. The necessary data is put in andPAY button hit which changes toProcessing. Thats it. Nothing more.
I do this a couple of times and tell the supposedRelationship Manager off in the process.
Emails on all the occasions come to me withPayment Failed intimation.
I send email response back to with screen shots of the payment initiation and nothing happening for all the times tried.
Guess what?
They do not have such an email, which by the buy was generated via their own email.
The supposedRelationship Manager, obviously who is not a technical person and more a sales person did not want to check with his technical team about this glitch and hence got a mouthful from me in the process.
Do not try to sell anything and not sure if you will be able to buy anything through this and their associate portals.
I would like a whole load of real people(not bots) to prove me wrong with real live examples of their transactions.