Quora is a site for leftists to have their opinions reinforced by other leftists. They not only do not want, but will not allow for differing opinions. That being said Im not sure what the point of an open forum is if only certain approved ideas are allowed. So now I have some idea of what a communist reeducation camp was like.
The worst part of it is its USER EXPERIENCE - a word they probably have never heard of. Dozens of things do not make sense at all, from the fact that you can only opt in all email updates or opt out of all email updates but not manually decide what updates you want, to the home page that just scrolls indefinitely(quite difficult if youre trying to click on one of the footer links) to the severely limited screen areas devoted to writing text or comments.
It could be an amazing website, if the concept was kept but the whole graphical approach was scraped and redesigned from the ground up by people with a sense of design and high standards. Hopefully one day this will be the case!
In the meanwhile its just a "better" version of Yahoo answers.