I may not have been a big fan of Mr. Jha but have always been looking fwd to what new he had to provide in the otherwise all nice n glossy bollywood movies of ours(ofcourse I am a fan of that too!). Honestly movies like Gangajal and Mrityudand always stand at a different level and I appreciate all the honesty and boldness he could put in his movies with the story and his cast as the medium.And so I was definitely looking forward to watch this new offering of his .but I could not have been more disappointed.
I fail to understand why everytime we want to show the loyalties in the people who are more on the darker side( personally & professionally) we always end up falling on GodFather! That movie was one of a kind and people with some intelligence like Mr.Jha should really try something new instead of picking up scenes from there and giving it a hindi movie touch. really its so sad to watch.
Watching the entire movie I could only think of how either they have tried to get real stuff from GodFather or its closest Hindi copy -Sarkar. The attempt just gives us a bizarre movie to watch for 3 hours.
Being a big Hindi movie fan I kept watching it till the last minute just in a hope of getting some genuinely good stuff but it obviously was not worth it at all.
Oh btw forgot to mention. since copying Godfather line by line would really look bad.in between you will find modern Mahabharat characters .although neither of them actually justify what they are doing.
I have watched entire of B.R.Chopras Mahabharat series and really atleast there you know that even when Krishna played foul there was a biiig reason behind it.I was a kid then and still understood. but now as a grownup couldnt find enuf reasoning in the Jha version of it.
I would have loved to dissect the plot here but as I mentioned before.theres only Godfather and Mahabharat and I am sure u all must seen atleast one of the two:-).
Lastly about the cast of the movie. well they say "too many cooks spoil the food".and this is a 4-course dinner gone bad!
@Nana Patekar & Ajay Devgan and the great Naseeruddin Shah. I sincerely hope that you guys have other good work because your talent is immense and such movies are just spoilers in you otherwise bright career graph. ofcourse Ajay Devgan, we see, does get carried away trying his comic skills. but atleast the past track record is fairly good.
@Manoj Bajpai . You can sleep walk thru such roles. really I think its more satisfying to do theatre than do such movies.
@Katrina. keep changing your makeup and attire to indian but really when are you gonna learn to act. I dont mind the accent you still put in but atleast have some expressions on your face to deliver scenes .which otherwise could have been good. tip: Watch Madhuris movies maybe you get 1% of it and that should be more than enuf:D
@Arjun Ramphal. I still dont get it how and who has classified you as an actor. dont even get me started on that National award you won. maybe that was because you had very few dialogues in that movie. so ppl mistook your silence as your grt acting skills. but they should watch this movie and youll definitely clear those doubts.
And lastly Ranbir Kapoor. I just feel you are the male version of Katrina Kaif. when will our "heroes" learn that just wearing specs, keeping a light beard and applying gel to your hair & scooping it back will not make you Al-Pacino.watch GodFather .there is one particular scene of Al Pacino where the eyes speak thousand times more than what you have done speaking and otherwise in this entire movie. Please atleast learn some acting from your father and be decent. and really dude pls stick to your "25 yr old guy romancing 23 yr old girl"movies. with your limited acting skills you can only carry off that stuff.
Last word: My review might be very harsh but that is only because I am a loyal hindi movie fan and so I deserve good stuff to watch:-)