This is one film for which I didnt wait for the review to come up.And I was not disappointed.!
Main ingredient - What is the level of Politics and how elections are won.! Kind of eye opener for open eyes.!Spices of Raajneeti.A bit of Mahabharat katha with Kaurav and Pandav fighting for power.a bit of Godfather.a bit of bollywood masala on desi politics. overall.worth watching after 3 idiots.!
As of Mahabharats reference. there is a very thin line of difference between Kaurav and Pandav in this movie. One side is bad and another is worst.and you tend to question yourself.whose side you should hope to is the case when you actually go for voting.
I tried to find Sonia Gandhi in this film as speculated.Could not find any resemblance.May be it was just a publicity stunt.!
Pros: Concept and handling of story.Cons: something was missing.maybe, movie was not responsible for that. that something is missing from politics as well. In the end, You are not even happy for the winning side though you would have felt sadder if the other side had won as it was more evil than the winning side. thats the flavour of Politics.!