I am a tamilian and have seen a lot of Mani Rathnam movies but let me admit that I was never a Mani Rathnam fan. Nayakan and Yuva are in my opinion his only good movies to date.I dont understand what he tries to convey through his movies. Maybe his fans might say "His movies are supposed to be for an intellectual audience" and maybe I belong to the stupid category of people because I happened to watch Raavan.A few years ago a reporter in Aaj Tak had said that America mein Spielberg aur India mein Mani Rathnam which I believe is a great insult for Spielberg.Sita is kidnapped right at the start of the movie which gave me the feeling that we are in for a racy entertainer but Alas!! Mr Rama (Vikram) adds nothing new in terms of acting for someone who has seen at least one tamil movie of his.Abhishek tries to lookscary in his first shot and fails miserably. Abhishek unlike his father lacks grace and screen presence and is more of a disgrace.He has to overdo things in every scene and is a major disappointment.
Mr Hanuman enters the next scene and he have a Kishkinda Kaand at thebeginningof the movie and he even jumps from hoardings to trees just to prove to the audience that he is hanuman.The first 10 minutes itself is enough evidence that Mr Mani Rathnam has taken his audience for granted and expects then to see what ever he decides to dish to them.Next comes Jatayu (the man tied to the pole) who informs Hanumaan and Raam the whereabouts of Sita.Now to race ahead the reason for Raavan to abduct Sita is because of Shurpanaka.Raama kills Raavana in the end and the story ends.I understand that Sita falling for Raavan is "supposed" to be a major twist but I was too tired to even like it.The Cinematography and Scenery has been praised and yes its good but my question is, is it worth to watch the movie only for the beautiful forest. My suggestion is watch National Geographic instead where you can watch great scenery and photography.Music is another disappointment and Ibelievethis movie is an overconfident approach by Rathnam and Rahman who seem to have relied solely on "brand value" rather than creativity.
Sorry to all AB, Ash, Rathnam and Rehman fans.The movie is total junk and please give it a skip.