This serial is being telecast on every Saturday at 9pm on Zee TV. Contrary to previous Ramayan serial where Ram and Lakhman were Heros and the character worth following, this is from the view point of Raavan.
So this serial starts with the news of killig of Meghnaad, a militant coming fast on horse and informs in tears about the death. He said that Lakhman used unfair practice to kill him.Fact is that Meghnaad used Shakti on the back of R\Lakhman being invisible.
So every one sunk in the deep sea of sorrow and grief. Being very much in peril one Senapati says Kill Sita and take avange from Ram as he should feel the same but Raavan says No it is not our culture.He says if we do the same as they do what will be the difference between Ram and Ravan
The serial starts from the wrong way as it starts from death of Meghnaad and the producer dare not to start from the begining of birth of Raavan so left many incidence and most important was Sita Haran.
Most surprisingly here Sulochna wife of Meghnaad seeks permission from Raavan to fight Ram and Lakhman with her women Sena and kill them by using black powers.Which on the insistance of Mandodari accepted and permission granted by Raavan.
Later Sulochna died in the short battle.But the question is was Raavan was so helpless and his ego allowed her Bahoo to fight a battle.
In history nothing is given by Valmiki or Tulsi Das.
I am disgusted that such serials are being made and fail to underatand what message present day producers want to give. And how they dare to change history with out giving source of their script.late Ramanand Sagar has given number of Granth and books Ved and Puran.
My feelings were hurt and I am sure no one will accept the dishonour to our Hero Shri Ram and Laxman ji
Ravi Sharma